March 2014 my life was forever changed;
I was found alone in a desperate place full of many addictions when I cried out from the deepest place of my heart and soul to this God I heard of my whole life but never really knew...
Through His Spirit, Jesus made himself known to me that night. I was struck by the power of God, baptized in the Holy Spirit and every addiction I suffered with was supernaturally broken!
I was set FREE from the slavery of sin; I became a slave to righteousness. A new creation in Christ, and for the first time in my life, I had true love, joy, and peace!
From that time until now, one thing I have longed for is that everyone would know the resurrection power and love of Jesus Christ! Which raised me from death to life!
I am compelled by His love to do anything and go anywhere to boldly spread His message!
Clothed in Christ apparel is apart of that commission. God birthed this BOLD brand in my heart to SHARE the gospel, IGNITE believers, and WIN souls for His kingdom.
Join me on this mission to make Him known!
The Clothed in Christ brand is designed to bring a shift into present-day culture through the revelation of our identity in Christ, as sons and daughters of the living God.
It is also created to help establish And strengthen Inner city and Global missions. Equipping, activating and releasing BOLD missionaries into the harvest to fulfill the great commission. At 'Clothed In Christ', our hearts burn with passion for souls. We want our clothing to have an evangelistic heart and thrust behind it to empower Christians all over!
We are honored, blessed, and pleased to say that every purchase will go to funding missions.
Clothed in Christ specifically partners with Esh & Ruach's Urban and Global missions; www.ermissions.org ; serving together as a battering ram against the citadel of darkness and releasing the kingdom of heaven into the earth!
Together, let’s plunder hell and populate heaven; not by strength and not by might, but by His spirit! There is only one thing better than going to heaven and that’s bringing people with us!